When you’re feeling stressed, how does your body feel? Do you begin to have headaches or backaches? Does your stomach begin to churn, or do…
When we’re on the outside looking in, it’s incredibly hard to understand why someone we love wouldn’t want to seek help for themselves. Why would…
Addiction recovery is a time when we can begin processing some of the thoughts and feelings that we suppressed for so long. Many people who…
Do not be fooled. Sobriety is not some magical potion. It does not make everything perfect. When you start to realize this, you can begin…
The last person to admit they are in need of rehab is the person with addiction. Loved ones, friends, and even coworkers may know or…
People who use marijuana can have a range of issues physically and mentally. Addiction is just one of them, but memory impairment and altered brain…
Marijuana can affect your looks, even before you realize it. Smoking marijuana over time can have a significant impact on your interior and exterior body.…
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keep track of data on accidental deaths from driving under intoxication. Drunk driving is not a new phenomenon but…
The number of senior citizens with drug addiction is on the rise in the United States. Prescription painkillers, such as hydrocodone and other opioids, play…
Prescription painkillers are becoming an addiction epidemic for people across the country of all ages and backgrounds. The reason behind it is complicated but understanding…