Everyone has different healthy eating patterns, and many people don’t have very healthy habits when it comes to eating. They may view food directly with weight which can give them the idea that monitoring what they are eating so closely is a good idea. However, the way you should look at food is viewing it as fuel. Food is fuel for our bodies. If we don’t nourish ourselves in the proper ways, all areas of our health will begin to decline. It’s important to develop healthy relationships with the way we eat so that our recovery as a whole has the ability to thrive. The Arbor experience can help with that. Call us today at 844.413.2690 for more information.
There Is No Perfect Body
Many people struggle with body image. Women and men all over the world feel “less than” because they aren’t thin enough or fit enough. It’s important to remember, though, that there is no perfect body. Everyone has their own characteristics that make them unique. Pushing the notion that there is a “perfect” or “normal” body is harmful.
Before you even begin to think about diet or exercise, you must first come to terms with yourself and who you are. Self-love is important in your recovery from substance use or mental illness. Once you have truly learned to love and accept yourself, you are able to form healthy relationships with food and exercise.
View Food As Fuel, Not Comfort
Above all else, food is fuel. It provides the essential nutrients and energy to keep your body running. Instead of associating food with emotional comfort, view it as a necessity for your body’s daily functioning. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you feel full. This will help curb overeating, which can contribute to health problems in the long run.
Make an effort to listen to your body’s signals and only eat when you need the nourishment. Additionally, consider replacing unhealthy comfort foods with healthier alternatives that provide more nutritional benefits. This will help ensure your body is getting what it needs and can reduce cravings for unhealthy items in the long run.
The choices you make about what to eat and when to eat are important. However, make sure you don’t become obsessive about these decisions. If you look at food as fuel, you’ll be more likely to look at exercise as a way to keep you healthy, both physically and mentally.
Food and exercise shouldn’t be looked at solely as a way to maintain or manipulate weight. This is why it’s important to stop looking at foods at “good” or “bad.” Instead, focus on choosing foods that will fuel your physical and mental health.
Develop Healthy Eating Patterns
If you are looking at food as fuel, you are already on the right track. A healthy relationship with food is one that is rooted in compassion, not fear. Fear is what aligns us with body image. If we fear we may stray too much from that “perfect” body, we’re too worried about weight and less worried about what’s really important: self-love, compassion, and overall health. A healthy relationship with food means that you are being mindful of everything that you are putting in your body.
Get Help If You Need It
If you are struggling with healthy eating patterns, The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare can help. Our experienced team of professionals is here to provide guidance and support. Whether you need nutritional, psychological, or dietary help, The Arbor is ready to help you create achievable goals that will improve your overall relationship with food.
Call us today if you are looking at making some meaningful changes in your recovery. You can reach us at 844.413.2690 or through our online form. We can’t wait to speak with you.