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What Is Fentanyl?

young adult outside alone with ball cap and hoodie looking thoughtful as the contemplate, 'What is fentanyl?"

Fentanyl use and addiction is rampant, but what is fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times more potent than morphine. While a doctor can prescribe it to treat chronic pain, it is an extremely addictive substance and leads to high addiction rates whether obtained legally or illegally. Because it is a prescription drug, it may be seen as safe to use, but it is actually one of the most potent and most dangerous opioid drugs available. It is often illicitly added to other drugs, making super drugs that can cause even more damage because the individual is unaware fentanyl is part of the equation.

If you suspect a loved one could benefit from a fentanyl addiction treatment program, reach out to The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare at 844.413.2690 for more information on our fentanyl rehab program.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid made in a lab. Like all opioids, it impacts the brain’s control over pain, emotions, and respiratory functions by binding to opioid receptors upon ingestion. Fentanyl, 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin, rapidly enters the body, producing almost instant effects. Its high potency makes it one of today’s most addictive substances and a common addition to other drugs to enhance their potency. The increase in fentanyl overdoses is partly due to its concealed presence in substances, often unbeknownst to users.

It is easy to become addicted as people chase these desired effects of the drug:

  • A state of euphoria
  • Sedation or numbing effect
  • Chronic pain relief
  • Major relaxation

Unfortunately, these highs quickly turn to lows as addiction sets in and takes control of one’s life.

What Does Fentanyl Rehab Look Like?

With any rehab experience, the first step is removing the drug from the body. This period of withdrawal can be challenging and should be done under professional supervision. The Arbor offers both inpatient and outpatient rehab options. Having a comfortable, safe, and supportive environment to go through a complete rehab experience will make the process that much more bearable and effective so that a relapse is avoided.

A variety of therapies are used as part of a fentanyl rehab program. This holistic approach includes both evidence-based and experiential therapies. In therapy, you will focus on identifying the cause of the addiction and then work on tools and coping techniques to avoid the triggers of addiction. Overall, physical and mental health is a priority in rehab. That’s why alternative therapies like yoga and equine therapy live alongside traditional group and individual therapy sessions.

When you enroll in a fentanyl rehab program, you receive the support of therapeutic professionals as well as the support of peers and family as part of a structured format. Whether inpatient or outpatient, your progress will be monitored for success, and you will also be accountable for the success of your treatment journey. Avoiding or reducing the risk of relapse is the goal of treatment. Through treatment, you will learn tools and gain knowledge that will allow you to live life outside of treatment without the aid of drugs. Committing to the treatment experience and putting in the work will set you up for a successful road to recovery.

See What Fentanyl Rehab Looks Like at The Arbor

At The Arbor, we offer a fentanyl rehab program that can be customized for your unique needs. Depending on the severity of the addiction, inpatient and outpatient rehab options are available, as well as aftercare services. A combination of therapeutic modalities is used to craft a personalized treatment plan that may include group therapy, equine therapy, eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), and dual diagnosis treatment.

Contact The Arbor today at 844.413.2690 or reach out online to learn more about what treatment for a substance use disorder looks like.