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Sober Fun is Not Only Possible, It’s Necessary

woman enjoys sober activities

Many people new to addiction recovery fear that a sober lifestyle will be boring and mundane.  While it is true that people new to sobriety often must give up past routines and find new interests, doing so can be an exciting new chapter of your life.  Having sober fun is not just a possibility, but an important part of recovery. Treatment for addiction is hard work, and you will have days that are emotional, stressful, and heavy.  Finding time to enjoy yourself allows you to blow off some steam while reminding yourself of all the joy life has to offer.   In early recovery, in can sometimes feel like sobriety lacks the thrill and excitement of alcohol or drugs.  You may experience times when your addiction causes you to remember your substance abuse fondly, while conveniently omitting the ugly details.  In reality, once you developed an addiction it is very unlikely that drugs or alcohol continued to provide much of a thrill, but in sobriety you can find genuine excitement in new hobbies and adventures.  Playing a sport, for example, is a great way to experience an endorphin rush while also enjoying the thrill of competition. Going out of your way to find sober activities that excite you can help rewire your brain’s reward system, so that you begin to crave healthy fun rather than substances. Purposefully seeking out fun new experiences also helps you to build a foundation for sobriety.  After completing a treatment program and returning to daily life, you will be forced to find new ways to fill your time while avoiding relapse.  Spending time with old acquaintances that enabled your addiction, or isolating yourself by avoiding social interaction entirely, can trigger past behaviors.  By finding hobbies and interests you are passionate about, you will have somewhere productive to direct your time and energy, and have the chance to meet new people in the process.  Punishing yourself with boredom or loneliness is counterproductive, but there is plenty of evidence suggesting a little bit of fun can go a long way in recovery.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, now is the time to reach out for help.  At Arbor Behavioral Healthcare, you will meet knowledgeable, compassionate professionals that understand addiction in all its forms.  The Arbor uses an integrative and holistic approach to treat addiction and mental health issues. No treatment is one-size-fits-all, and at The Arbor you will have a team of experts prepared to create your customized treatment plan.  We offer care for your mind, body, and spirit, so that you can heal from the inside out and look forward to a lifetime of sobriety and wellness. If you are ready to take the first step in your recovery, please call us at 844-413-2690.