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Signs of Opioid Dependence

young woman with her head in her hands and looking distraught as she wrestles with the signs of opioid dependence

Opioids exist as legal prescription drugs used for managing pain and also as illegal drugs like heroin. Opioids are also highly addictive, so even when prescribed by a doctor, they can be misused when one can no longer control their dependence on them. Once addiction sets in, it can become very hard to overcome. This is why opioid rehabs—like the one at The Arbor—exist.

Addiction can do a number on one’s physical and mental health. Just managing the severe withdrawal symptoms alone can be dangerous. At The Arbor, the opioid rehab in Texas works to create a personalized treatment plan that treats the entire person. Call 844.413.2690 to learn more about our programs and services, or verify your insurance today.

Signs of Opioid Dependence

Recognizing the signs of addiction can be the key to helping yourself—or someone you care about–get the professional help that they need.

Signs of opioid dependence include:

  • Noticeably higher dosing of the drug to achieve the desired effect
  • The inability to stop using the drug on one’s own
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms if the person does try and stop using the drug
  • Cravings for the drug that become the person’s singular focus

If any of these signs are apparent, getting help should be the next step. Addiction is not something easily managed on one’s own. The team at The Arbor ensures that each client is treated with the respect and care they deserve as they receive treatment and find their path to recovery.

Long-Term Effects of Opioid Abuse

While the short-term withdrawal symptoms of stopping opioid use can include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, restlessness, and hot or cold flashes, the long-term effects of drug use can be far greater. The long-term effects can be both physical and mental, as the drug affects many parts of the mind and body that control everyday functions.

Here are a number of long-term effects of opioid abuse.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Nausea, constipation, and more become the norm as a result of opioids wreaking havoc on your body.

Dysfunctional Endocrine System

Opioid abuse can directly affect hormone production, which can cause serious issues like infertility and osteoporosis.

Neurological Impact

How the brain is structured and how it functions can be seriously altered by long-term drug use. This includes potential memory loss and other cognitive issues. Brain damage can even result from slowed breathing or hypoxia.

Weakened Immune System

Extended use of opioids can weaken the immune system, making infection and disease more probable.

Heart Problems

Heart attacks, heart failure, and other heart-related issues are common among severe cases of opioid addiction.

Mental Health

Addiction can alter moods, cause depression, and bring on anxiety that has to be managed for life. The way the drug affects brain chemistry can leave lasting emotional scars. Opioid abuse can actually suppress endorphins and alter how one naturally feels pleasure and pain.

Call on The Arbor For Opioid Rehab in Texas

Opioid addiction is a disease. When treating a disease, you want to rely on medical professionals so that the results of your treatment are successful. You also want to have choices in how you receive treatment, depending on your needs. The Arbor offers both residential and outpatient treatment options. Whether you jump right into therapy or start with a structured program to first manage the withdrawal from opioid use, you will meet with the intake team, who will conduct a thorough evaluation before crafting your treatment plan.

Individual, group, and family talk therapy can be combined with art or equine therapy to create a unique therapeutic experience in picturesque Georgetown, Texas. Call the treatment team today at 844.413.2690 or reach out online for more information on recognizing the signs of addiction and how to get help.