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Is a Sober Living Program Right for Me?

smiling young woman enjoying the outdoors after asking "is a sober living program right for me?"

Before deciding if a sober living home is right for you, it’s best to fully understand what sober living is. Sober living is a group living situation that serves as a transitional living arrangement between completing a substance use disorder treatment program and returning to your previous home. This living arrangement provides those who are new to recovery the opportunity to start living independently again, but in a safe and supportive environment where the risk of drugs and alcohol is removed from the equation.

Find out more about sober living programs by contacting a treatment center—like The Arbor—and speak with a treatment team member.

Is a Sober Living Program Right for Me?

Following recovery, it makes sense to discuss your next steps with your treatment team. Based on your own comfort level and the recommendations of professionals invested in your recovery, you can make the right decision for your needs.

If you have concerns about returning to the life you lived prior to treatment and risking a relapse, then sober living may be the right choice for you. Living in a space that supports sobriety through resources and peers sharing the experience can be a safer way to return to your everyday life and routines on your own when you are ready. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize all the hard work you have just done to get sober by putting yourself in a situation with triggers you cannot manage and risk a relapse.

Sober Living Program

When you enter into a sober living program, there are many benefits to this transitional living arrangement. Sober living provides structure, support, and a substance-free environment in which to test out your new sobriety. While you have a team of therapeutic professionals to lean on should you need them, sober living also provides the independence to hold each resident accountable so that you learn how to manage life outside treatment on your own.

The key pillars of a sober living program include:


Having resources like a clinical team on staff and assistance with reentering the workforce is a huge advantage to easing the transition from treatment to the home environment you left before you were sober.

Peer-to-Peer Support

Living among others who are going through a similar experience provides a natural bonding opportunity and a built-in support system while you transition from treatment to home. This sober support network can remain with you throughout your life.


A structure and a strict set of house rules are balanced with the responsibility to be accountable for your own actions. This helps create routine and healthy choices to ensure less risk of relapse once you leave sober living.

Schedule a Tour of the Sober Living Program at The Arbor

Sober living can be the much-needed added level of support someone needs to maintain recovery and avoid a relapse when they are newly sober. This transition provides a way to get used to a daily routine without drugs or alcohol and practice using the tools learned in treatment to manage triggers as they arise.

Sober living housing at The Arbor includes access to a professional clinical team if needed. Just like in treatment, a plan is put into place for each person, and the team meets regularly to assess each client’s progress. This continuum of care is a hallmark of The Arbor’s program.

To experience sober living, contact The Arbor online or call 844.413.2690 today to schedule a tour. A treatment team member will be happy to explain the support services available as part of this living aftercare arrangement.