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Helping a Loved One with Xanax Addiction

Older brother consoling younger brother by helping a loved one with xanax addiction

While Xanax is a widely prescribed medication, it is also highly addictive. Knowing how to help someone you care about—who is battling an addiction to prescription drugs—can be challenging to figure out. This is why consulting with a professional substance use disorder treatment center is the best thing you can do to understand what your options are. Behavioral health professionals can help you know what signs to look for when it comes to an addiction. Seeking a professional Xanax addiction treatment program offers the best chance of recovery for your loved one.

Call The Arbor at 844.413.2690 and speak with a team member today to put your mind at ease and get someone you care about on the road to recovery.

Signs of a Xanax Addiction

Knowing what the signs of addiction look like is the first step you can take in helping a loved one battling a dependency on Xanax. Here are some of the signs you can look out for:

  • You notice that they are using Xanax outside of its prescribed use
  • Your loved one is prescription shopping for Xanax prescriptions from more than one doctor
  • They have started to give up other activities that they previously enjoyed
  • The person has a consistent state of confusion
  • They seem uncharacteristically drowsy, and they slur their words
  • Extreme mood swings surface
  • They become regularly irritable or annoyed
  • Body shakes and incoordination are apparent
  • Sleep and appetite are affected

If you recognize any of these symptoms and are concerned, then you should reach out to a health professional and seek out substance abuse treatment right away.

How to Help a Loved One With a Xanax Addiction

Once you are aware that addiction has taken hold of someone you care about, it’s time to take action. It can be a stressful weight to bear, but helping someone in this way can also be very rewarding, knowing that you are saving them from a dangerous way of life. There are a number of things you can do to help them get the help that they need.


When you better understand the severity of how addictive substances affect a person and disrupt their life, you can be better equipped to overcome the addiction. When the reality of potential organ failure, severe infection, eating disorders, mental health issues, and more are recognized, it may be easier to commit to stop using the drug.

Seek Out an Addiction Rehab

Encouraging someone to get help with their addiction may be a hurdle. But, with your support and the support of therapists, they can see how an addiction treatment program can be highly beneficial. Through a combination of therapies, your loved one can safely withdraw from the drug and learn how to manage triggers once they leave treatment.

Develop a Sober Support System

Help your loved one build a network of family and friends who can support their sobriety. This means providing a safe space among people they trust so they are not tempted to take drugs again.

Call The Arbor to Help Someone You Care About Find Addiction Treatment

If you know someone who is struggling with a substance use disorder—like an addiction to Xanax—it’s essential to get help as soon as possible. Treating an addiction through a customized treatment plan in an environment that promotes healing and, with professional guidance and supervision, will get the person on the road to a successful recovery. Behavioral and holistic therapies work together to effectively manage cravings and the symptoms of withdrawal. Attending an addiction rehab will arm the addicted individual with the tools and life skills needed to live a healthy and productive life free of substances.

Talk with a therapeutic professional today at The Arbor at 844.413.2690 or reach out online to learn more about treatment for an addiction to Xanax.