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Finding a Benzo Rehab near Austin

group of women at a group therapy session offer suggestions for finding a benzo rehab near Austin

Finding the help you need when you need it can seem overwhelming. However, the right support and resources can make managing the process easier. Benzo addiction rates continue to be high in the city of Austin, but help is available through various benzo rehab facilities. Even with the availability of top-notch treatment centers, people are still afraid to reach out and get the help they need. The stigma of addiction is a very real hurdle. Educating yourself and knowing what to look for in a rehab will help to focus your search so that your choices are not overwhelming.

Lean on experts at a professional treatment facility or state and federal programming to learn more about knowing what to look for in a benzo addiction treatment program in Austin, Texas.

Benzo Rehab Near Austin

The right benzo rehab can make all the difference in successful treatment and recovery. Treatment centers near Austin, Texas, offer both inpatient and outpatient options. Many are afraid of going through treatment only to fall victim to a relapse. The good news is that most benzo rehab programs are focused on therapies to help you build tools and resources that can stay with you for life and help you avoid relapse.

There are a number of resources to help you find a benzo rehab in Austin. Once you locate the ones you are interested in, it’s best to call them and visit in person if possible.

Local Search Online

Check out search results and read reviews before calling treatment centers to learn more about what they offer. Ensure the programs and amenities meet your needs and that the staff takes the time to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable.

SAMHSA Treatment Locator

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, offers a convenient treatment locator tool on its website.


A trusted medical professional, or even family and friends, may have experience with seeking treatment for an addiction, or they may know of someone who has gotten treatment. These referrals stem from someone’s positive experience, which can help with decision-making.

Benzo Addiction Treatment Program at The Arbor

The Arbor is proud to offer a benzo rehab that offers comprehensive care with a holistic approach. Treatment includes:

  • A customized treatment plan specific to your unique needs and for the particular addiction so that you can receive the therapies that will be most effective for treating a dependency on benzos.
  • Medication for severe addictions so that withdrawal symptoms and cravings can be safely managed.
  • A holistic approach to treatment that combines experiential therapies—like yoga, art therapy, and equine therapy—with more traditional therapies.
  • An array of aftercare support, from alumni programs to 12-step programs, can support clients with recovery for life.
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders that may exist alongside an addiction to benzos.

Get Control of Your Drug Use with Benzo Addiction Treatment at The Arbor

Benzo addiction treatment at The Arbor in Georgetown focuses on achieving lifelong sobriety. Treatment may be short-term, but recovery is for life. Having the right rehab with a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs will set you up for recovery success.

The Arbor is conveniently located near downtown Austin, along the San Gabriel River in Georgetown.

Programs offered include:

  • Residential treatment
  • Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP)
  • Sober Living
  • Relapse prevention
  • Alumni program
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.

In Travis County, Texas, 93% of drug toxicity deaths in 2021 were accidental.1 Stop letting your drug use control your life before you become a statistic. Contact The Arbor online today or call 844.413.2690 to find a benzo rehab near Austin that works for you.


1Travis County, Texas – “Travis County Medical Examiner Annual Report 2021”