Alcohol abuse harms the body in many ways and may also induce symptoms of underlying health conditions. Some people experience chest pain during or after…
When a loved one has an addiction to alcohol, everyone in the family suffers, especially the spouse of the alcoholic. The spouse of an alcoholic…
Alcohol abuse brings with it many dangers and can cause lasting physical and mental damage. The sooner you can recognize the signs of alcoholism in…
There’s a positive trend on the horizon and it’s a direct reaction to America’s omnipresent alcohol culture. Boozeless bars are officially in business and for…
According to an eye-opening study by the National Association of Children of Alcoholics (NACOA), nearly 12 million children in the U.S. are growing up in…
You may have heard, or even noticed based on your own observations, that alcohol abuse tends to run in families. While there is some evidence…
Giving up alcohol for a month or longer has become very popular in recent years, with trends like “Dry January” encouraging people to participate by…
The link between alcohol use in pregnant women and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, (adverse health issues and cognitive impairments found in babies due to the…
Alcohol poisoning and drug overdoses are both major concerns in the U.S. Alcohol alone kills an average of six Americans per day, while the opioid…
While there is a lot of grey area when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t consume during pregnancy, the research is clear that…