Sobriety is a lot like life; there are ups and downs, twists and turns and sometimes you’ll feel no sense of direction, while others will feel grounded in purpose. So many people have overcome addiction and led a life of sobriety, but it takes a lot of effort, determination and support. If you’ve been struggling with substances for quite some time, you’ll find that sobriety brings about an entirely different pace of life – but it replenishes the mind, body and spirit, and that’s what you’ll find will bring you increased happiness and serenity in everything you do. There’s no doubt that sobriety is scary. In 2018, a person shared their perspective on sobriety via Very Well Mind by stating, “Living life on life’s terms and having to do everything sober for the first time was scary.” It’s scary to many people because it requires the presence of a person completely – everything they are, from moment to moment. No longer can we drown out the thoughts and feelings that bring us discomfort – we have to face them head on, one step at a time. A 2015 study conducted by a scholar from Cuny Graduate School of Journalism wrote all about a person’s journey through sobriety. She explained some of the nuances of sobriety, such as figuring out how to go through difficult situations without self-medicating, understanding the urges associated with addiction, becoming active in recovery-based activities such as through 12-Step programs, and much more. A life of sobriety is built piece by piece, day by day. Rome wasn’t built overnight – and neither is sobriety. You’ll learn that through your treatment program, you’ll develop some incredibly effective skills for identifying thoughts and emotions and managing them properly, as well as some life-changing strategies for grounding yourself.
Arbor Behavioral Healthcare offers an integrative and holistic approach to treat substance abuse and a wide variety of addictions, as well as underlying mental health and psychological issues. All of the addiction recovery programs offered by The Arbor are designed to heal the mind, body, and spirit leading to a lifetime of sobriety, health and wellness. If you’re ready to find healing and restoration in a peaceful, loving environment, please call us today at 844-560-7269.