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Advocacy Program

Advocacy Services Program

For Clients and Family Members

smiling woman talking to her advocate as part of an  Advocacy Program for addiction treatment and recovery.Our dedicated advocacy team provides individualized support to each person in our advocacy program. With a focus on holistic life development, our team works to help your loved one reach employment and educational goals, build a strong connection to a recovery fellowship, and develop life skills as needed. Our advocates also work with your loved one’s support system to provide coaching and support to you while they are engaged in services.

Every client at our sober living houses is assigned an advocate, but participation in The Arbor’s advocacy program is also available independently, known as a la carte advocacy, in addition to our comprehensive addiction treatment programs. Advocacy services are also available for our family members in addition to our Family Support Programs. The Arbor’s advocacy program is comprised of three phases, each of which allows the support team to gauge a client’s progress and provide additional support where needed.

Advocacy Phase System

Phase 1 – The Initial Transition

Advocacy Care Plan / Assessment

-All clients new to the advocacy program will begin on Phase 1.

  • Your advocate will meet with you to complete the initial assessment and develop the Advocacy Care Plan. This plan will support meeting the objectives set forth in the Advocacy Phase System.
  • While on this phase, your advocate will meet with you at least once per week, to help you stay on track and begin to build a foundation in your recovery. Your advocate will also contact family/support contact(s) once per week to offer support and provide updates.

While engaged in Phase 1, your advocate will assist you with the following:


  • Finding and establishing a 12-step meeting routine
  • Obtaining a sponsor
  • Starting step-work
  • Adhering to the required meetings and Guidelines for Participation in Advocacy and Sober Living (if applicable)

Physical and Mental Health

  • Prioritizing mental health
  • Setting up all appropriate appointments
  • Adhering to medication regimen(s) by providing initial oversight (incl. med counts) and ongoing accountability
  • Sustaining hygiene, sleep, nutrition, exercise, etc.


  • Resume / Indeed profile / Job search log
  • Finding a meaningful role, including working or volunteering approx. 20 hours per week

Independent Living Skills

  • Weekly grocery shopping and meal planning
  • Establishing and/or maintaining a functional bank account and budget
  • Establishing a mode of transportation, such as successfully utilizing public transportation system or maintaining a vehicle, including current inspection/registration
  • Completing house chores, maintaining a clean-living space, laundry, etc.
  • Time/Stress management
  • Obtaining any necessary documentation for employment, such as a valid ID or Driver’s License and birth certificate

Family and Social Relationships

  • Family boundaries are established and respected

Phase 2 – Building A Foundation

Advocacy Care Plan / Assessment

-In Phase 2, you have created structure in your life with work, family, and recovery obligations.

  • Your advocate will meet with you every other week and will also contact your family/support contact(s) every other week to continue offering support and accountability.

While engaged in Phase 2, your advocate will support you in maintaining:


  • Contact with sponsor, consistent meeting attendance, engagement in fellowship
  • Progress in step work with sponsor and integration principles of 12-step recovery into daily life
  • Service commitments and home group involvement

Mental and Physical Health

  • Medication compliance, scheduling, and punctuality for all appointments, including doctor(s), therapist, and advocate
  • Mental and emotional stability and utilization of support systems, including sponsor, therapist, and peers
  • Personal hygiene and self-care

Employment and Life Skills

  • Resume update/maintenance
  • Full or part-time work or consistent volunteer schedule (if applicable)
  • Time/Stress management
  • Budgeting (i.e., demonstrates ability to follow a budget)
  • Personal living expenses

Family and Social Relationships

  • Family boundaries are established and respected

Phase 3 – Growing, Stretching, and Maintaining

  • In this phase, you have demonstrated consistent maintenance of all levels of functioning and integration of recovery tools, as noted in the previous phases.
  • Your advocate will meet with the client once a month to ensure continued sobriety, stability, and maintenance. The advocate will also contact your family/support contact(s) on a monthly basis for continued support and maintenance of boundaries.

While engaged in Phase 3, your advocate will support client in maintaining the following:


  • Utilization of recovery support community/network

Physical and Mental Health

  • Stability and consistency with medications and overall health


  • Schoolwork and/or work schedule (30-40 hrs.)
  • Stress/time management skills

Life Skills and Responsibilities

  • Living expenses, budget, and other miscellaneous responsibilities

Family and Social Relationships

  • Balance in relationships with family, friends, recovery network, etc.
  • Positive communication with family and loved ones
  • Developed a reliance on your recovery support network

Our Advocacy Services Program is designed to provide personalized support as you transition from residential treatment into the next phase of your recovery journey or for someone in early recovery who may not be ready for a residential treatment stay. Once you’ve completed a residential program, our dedicated advocates are here to help you build on your progress and navigate the challenges ahead. Through each phase of our program, we work closely with clients and their families to support recovery, health, employment, and relationships. With a focus on holistic life development, our goal is to empower you to achieve lasting sobriety and a fulfilling, balanced life.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today at 844.949.1741 or online to learn more about how our Advocacy Services Program can support you or your loved one on the path to long-term recovery.