Young adults face specific challenges that must be addressed in setting the stage for successful long-term drug and alcohol treatment. The Arbor’s luxury drug rehab programs offer a unique continuum of care including a young adult substance abuse treatment program that provides the time and structure to face such challenges as those listed below.
Young adults face specific challenges that must be addressed in setting the stage for successful long-term drug and alcohol treatment. The Arbor’s luxury drug rehab programs offer a unique continuum of care including a young adult substance abuse treatment program that provides the time and structure to face such challenges as those listed below.
Challenges Unique to Young People
Challenge #1: Thinking errors
Young adults are challenged with how they think about substance use. Often, they do not recognize the life-threatening nature of substance abuse. Many still carry thoughts of invincibility. Additionally, young adults frequently feel that family and friends are just blowing the situation out of proportion. This thinking often sets the stage for being a “Victim.” Many fear the idea of going the rest of their lives without being able to use something—most report this thought to be completely overwhelming.
Challenge #2: Motivating factors
An additional challenge for many young adults is that they do not have significant motivators driving recovery efforts as with older clients. Older clients have motivating factors such as marital relationships, careers, financial security, children, and health that drive the desire to get sober. With younger clients, such motivators are not present or, if present, do not matter as much. It is much more difficult to find something beyond themselves that is seen as a strong reason to get well.
Challenge #3: Personal responsibility
Many young adults find it difficult to take full responsibility for their lives. Yet personal responsibility for one’s actions is absolutely needed to achieve sustained meaningful recovery. Many of our clients have had the experience of being unsuccessful at treatment followed by a rescue from their parents. Such patterns have to be smashed. For both the parents and the young person, this transition is very difficult, painful, and time-consuming.
The Young Adult Substance Abuse Treatment Program Includes:
- 3 months of residential treatment
- 3 months of residential extended care treatment
- 6 to 9 months in a sober living program, coupled with recovery advocacy services
Life and Interpersonal Skills
- Interpersonal skills – We provide skills training throughout all of our programs. Long-term recovery requires not only interpersonal skills such as communication, problem-solving skills, and emotional maturity, but it also involves practical skills like managing money, household maintenance, and job seeking skills.
- Self-esteem and confidence building – Young adults frequently struggle with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. We utilize compassionate care to build with them a sense of worth and belonging.
- Life purpose and meaning – Many adults present with no sense of direction and/or means of contributing to life. One of the most important contributions we make to your loved one is to provide a sense of purpose. Without purpose, it is very difficult to achieve meaningful sobriety.
While at The Arbor Residential, Young Adults Will:
- Develop personal responsibility for one’s living space and environment;
- Engage in increased accountability for oneself and personal behavior;
- Develop life skills in areas that may be lacking;
- Begin to develop self-care, self-respect, and self-love;
- Be exposed to balanced living incorporating the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; and
- Develop an increased awareness of others, society, and community.
While at The Arbor Extended Care, Young Adults Will:
- Gradually increase their responsibilities and freedoms;
- Experience less supervision, increasing their independence, and autonomy while still in a structured and supervised environment;
- Increase awareness of others, society, and their communities; participating in service projects, volunteering, and giving back;
- Have access to assistance with resume building, job readiness, and finding employment; and
- Have access to academic advising resources and collaboration.
While at The Arbor Sober Living and Advocacy, Young Adults Will
- Reintegrate into society with live-in supervision;
- Work with a Recovery Advocate on life balance, goal completion, and personal development;
- Be fully accountable and responsible for their lives; and
- Participate in service commitments and community service
If a young person in your life is struggling with substance use and finding their way, contact The Arbor Behavioral Health by calling 844.413.2690 to learn about our life-changing young adult drug treatment programs.