The concept of a 30-day treatment period for addiction problems was not developed based on research from the medical community. The insurance industry has promoted the 30-day length of stay for addiction recovery based on the amount of time they would prefer to cover. However, substantial research suggests 30 days is not even close to enough time for someone to stabilize and be well-prepared for a lifetime of sobriety.
A National Institute on Drug Abuse issued a report in 1999 that stated that 30 days is not enough time for people to maintain sobriety. The report stated that the “gold standard” for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction problems is 90 days. In practice, the “best” length of time for a treatment program is highly personal. Many people have underlying emotional or mental health issues that must be stabilized in order for rehab to be effective. To address the different treatment needs of each client, luxury rehab centers focus on personalized treatment, so each individual receives the support needed for lifelong recovery.
A Personalized Plan of Treatment
Every person entering treatment at The Arbor undergoes a detailed assessment by our medical and clinical staff. The assessment determines exactly what level of care is needed as well as an expectation for treatment time. Care plans are adjusted to meet specific needs throughout treatment, and a plan for continuing care is developed. The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare offers this type of care because each individual enters our system of care and treatment at a unique step in the path to lifelong sobriety and health.
Physical Wellness
Our clients participate in fitness instruction up to five times weekly during residential treatment at our residential treatment center. By the time they are ready to leave our program, they will have experienced the positive benefits of fitness in their daily lives. Additionally, our staff works with each client to continue to include regular exercise into their lives as part of their discharge and continuing care plan.
All of our fitness programs were developed using an evidence-based approach to design fitness programs for our clients in residential programs at The Arbor. Our exercise programs are designed to build strength, flexibility, stamina, coordination, balance, and improved energy levels. Clinicians and trainers work with each client to develop a personalized fitness program as part of their treatment plan.
Staying Active Boosts Recovery
One may ask, “how does an exercise program benefit the recovery process?” Research has shown that a regular fitness program doesn’t just benefit the body; it also paves the way for a healthier mind. Mental health, cognitive function, and even mood are all improved by incorporating an exercise routine. Long-term sobriety is supported when the individual has both a healthy mind and a healthy body. The disease of addiction takes its toll on the individual’s mind, spirit, relationships and body. The journey to sobriety is a journey towards good health. Contact our Texas drug rehab to learn more by calling 844.413.2690.
Nutritional Wellness Coaching
The journey to sobriety is a journey toward good health. The effects of nutrition and a healthy diet on the body are well-known. Proper nutrition is an important part of the healing process that takes place during a residential addiction treatment program. Nutritional therapy is a holistic treatment used to help people with conditions like substance use disorder. It is a process that involves a tailored diet developed by a professional dietician to help boost mood, immunity, and energy
A Nutritious Diet Promotes Healing
Eating fresh, healthy, nutritious food is an important part of a holistic addiction treatment environment. We use nutrition therapy to help alleviate nutritional deficiencies and to promote healthy lifestyle habits. Relearning to eat healthy, nutrient-dense foods is an important part of addiction recovery. Consider the following concepts:
- Some drugs block the absorption of nutrients even when good foods are eaten.
- Malnutrition causes the person to have low mental and physical energy levels.
- Addiction weakens the immune system, leaving the person at risk of frequent illness.
- Alcohol damages the liver, the skin, and other organs.
- A poor diet can leave the individual over- or underweight.