[youtube id=”Y4CbErCZO-k” width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”&rel=0″] We are continuing to follow a drug danger that appears to be expanding across texas tonight. We told you last night about a rash of overdose cases in Austin from k2 or spice, a synthetic marijuana. New tonight, the Drug Enforcement Agency says they are looking into 40 total overdose cases within the last day. That’s from the NBC station in Dallas. Those cases are split across hospitals. So far no deaths are known and authorities are still investigating. We first started looking into this after more than a dozen cases were announced yesterday. They are all tied to downtown Austin around the Arch homeless shelter and the Salvation Army centre near South 7th and Red River Street. Our exclusive video caught police arresting a man on the spot last night allegedly having some early outlawed drug with him. Patients have been having mixed emotions and even some violent reactions. David Scott reporting live downtown, with more after the 15 cases that we had in a 24-hour period, just two more episodes today. Police have a low profile. They’ve got four squad vehicles across street but they’re very quiet about things. A very few clients here at the shelter are out on the sidewalk and the managers at Arch tell me off camera that it’s been a quiet night. But the pipe and paraphernalia shops like the Gas Pipe downtown contend with a federal ban on selling K2 for two years. Now they tell me that if anyone even mentions K2, they are shown the door. They don’t want that chatter after last night. At the long-term recovery ranch Harbor Center, they’re still seeing K2 users a lot. They say it’s more addictive than heroin with dangerous after affects that last a long time. See you can have extended periods that have cognitive impairment where it may be difficult for you to follow a conversation or respond adequately and directly to questions.You can have periods extended anxiety and there can be some psychosis.